Christian Prayer Retreats
A retreat is an opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of our busy lives and find peace within one’s self by connecting spiritually with God.
All you need is a willingness to allow yourself to become still before God and allow your thoughts to focus on Him.
A guided prayer retreat is usually led by an appointed clergy person. They usually offer some brief insights as to the themed topic. There may be some opportunity for material engagement with others you have joined on the retreat. Thereafter, there is often ample opportunity for time alone whilst engaging with our prepared material will help bring points to your mind that are worthy of introspection and mindful reflection.
There are numerous secluded areas to be found within the gardens, and there is a prayer labyrinth, that can also be used as you engage in prayer with the Lord.
Deeper self-awareness
Prayer and quiet reflection creates opportunity for hearing God’s voice if we can become still and take the time to listen to what God is wanting to say to us. Becoming aware of where our heart is positioned both with God, and in our worldly circumstances, allows us to seek God more earnestly.
In seeking solitude, silence, simplicity and a calmer pace, it is much easier for us to become more aware of God to speaking to us. The guided retreat guides us to finding where we are positioned, both mentally and emotionally, as we engage with the material presented to us. Our time in quiet reflection allows us to consider Scripture verses in relation to where we find ourselves and where we feel we ought to be.
At Resurrection Way, the serene environment allows us to move away from the outer world’s expectations and be enlightened as to the ways in which God is eagerly waiting to engage with us.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13 ESV